Generate X (Twitter) data for Academic Research

Generate X (Twitter) data and X (Twitter) archive of any hashtag, account or search term since 2006

What’s included in our X (Twitter) data report?

We provide X (Twitter) data reports consisting of Raw data in Excel or CSV format and an online Analytics dashboard with lots of insightful metrics.

Raw X (Twitter) data in Excel

Trackmyhashtag provides a raw X (Twitter) data in Excel or CSV format. Fill this form to get the quotation and a sample dataset.

An Online Analytics dashboard

Our tool provides the raw X (Twitter) data and lots of useful analytics free on a beautiful online Analytics dashboard. These hashtag analytics prove to be extremely useful to perform research.

Some of the useful analytics are Potential Reach, Potential Impressions, Top Contributors, Active Influencers, Top tweets, Device source, Top Media, hashtag & links and many more. You can see a sample of the Analytics dashboard: Click Here

Please note, all the analytics are derived from the information provided to us by our customers and calculated as the estimation results. We don’t claim the accuracy of the analytics

Price of a X (Twitter) data report

The price of our X (Twitter) data report starts from $50. It is a one time cost which is liable for a single report.

Request X (Twitter) Data

Price of X (Twitter) datasets depends on date range and volume.

Please fill the below form to mention your requirement

Please note, all the customers who want to download X (Twitter) data must agree to the X (Twitter) Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Developer Agreement, and Developer Policy.

Raw X (Twitter) Data Report Explained

Trackmyhashtag provides Raw unprocessed X (Twitter) data in Excel or CSV format. The X (Twitter) dataset contains the following:

Tweet ID

Distinctive Id of the Tweet

User Id

User Id of the X (Twitter) user who posted the tweet, retweet or reply

As per X(Twitter)'s policy on Redistribution of X (Twitter) content, we can only provide tweet ids and user ids which the end user of the content can then rehydrate (i.e. request the full Tweet, user, or Direct Message content) using the X (Twitter) APIs. This helps ensure that end users of X (Twitter) content always get the most current information directly from X (Twitter).

Also, we can only distribute up to a total of 1,500,000 tweet IDs to a single entity within a 30 day period. X (Twitter) permits limited redistribution of hydrated X (Twitter) content (i.e. request the full Tweet, user, or Direct Message content) via non-automated means. We can share hydrated X (Twitter) content with another party only up to 50,000 hydrated public Tweet Objects and/or User Objects per recipient, per day.

To know more about data restriction, please contact at

Metrics included in TrackMyHashtag X (Twitter) data Report

Please note, all the analytics are derived from the information provided to us and calculated as the estimation results. We don’t claim the accuracy of the analytics

Analytics dashboard with lots of useful insights

TrackMyHashtag analytics dashboard comes with lots of useful metrics which help to measure the X (Twitter) campaign’s impact. Some of these analytics are :

  • Potential reach of the hashtag, keyword or mention on X (Twitter).
  • Potential impression that a particular tweet is delivered to a users' X (Twitter) timeline.
  • Total contributors means the total number of people engaged with the Tweet or hashtag on X (Twitter).
  • The analytics of the dashboard can be downloaded in a pdf report
analytics dashboard
tweet timeline analytics

Tweet timeline analytics

Tweet timeline displays timeline analytics to give you live updates of every tweet and number of tweets posted in the given period of time.

Top users, contributors, influencers and retweeters

Trackmyhashtag provides a list of top users, contributors, top influencers and retweeters who engaged with your specific tweet, mention or hashtag. You can identify all the influencers and contributors related to a hashtag or topic and rank them on the basis of their effectiveness.

top users
top links

Top Links, hashtags, media & URLs

TMH gives a list of the top links, hashtags, media and URLs posted along with the mentioned tweet or hashtag. This list helps you in identifying the websites or blogs which are promoting a hashtag or tweet.

Most popular, retweeted and liked Tweets

We find the most popular, retweeted and liked Tweets among all the Tweets related to a hashtag or topic which helps in defining the likes and dislikes of the audience. Also, you can easily compare between most retweeted and liked Tweets.

most popular, retweet and linked

Other useful metrics including device source, top languages and contributor’s X (Twitter) age

Trackmyhashtag analytics report comes with various additional metrics such as:

  • Top languages: A graphical representation helps you know the type and percentage of languages being used in the Tweet.
  • Device source: The most used device platform is being used to post a Tweet.
  • Contributor's X (Twitter) age: A graph presents the X (Twitter) account age and contributor’s year of joining X (Twitter).
other metrics

Customization options to filter X (Twitter) data


You can define one or multiple keywords to be searched in the Tweet content to get the required X (Twitter) data.

Exact phrase match

You can define the exact phrase you wish to be searched to get relevant X (Twitter) data.


You can specify hashtags which you wish to be searched to get required X (Twitter) data.


You can target your search to get specific account mentions.


Tweets with any specific emoji defined by you will be displayed in X (Twitter) data.

keyword1 or keyword2

You can search for X (Twitter) data which have either keyword1 or keyword2 or keyword3 or so on.

From User

Search for tweets sent from a specific user.


You can search X (Twitter) data mentioning a specific URL.


This function matches a keyword or phrase within the user bio of a Tweet.

Bio location

This function matches tweets where the user object's location contains the specified keyword or phrase.

Followers count

This function matches Tweets when the author has a followers count within the given range.

Friends (Following) count

This function matches Tweets when the author has a friends(Following) count that falls within the given range.

Listed count

This function matches Tweets when the author has been listed within X (Twitter) a number of times falls within the given range. You can specify a range for maximum or minimum number of lists to get relevant X (Twitter) data.


This function returns a random sample of X (Twitter) data that matches a rule rather than the entire set of Tweets. Sample percent must be represented by an integer value between 1 and 100.


This function matches any Tweet generated by the given source application for example android app, I-phone etc.


This function matches X (Twitter) data that have been classified as being of a particular language.


This function matches X (Twitter) data tagged with the specified location.

Profile location

This function returns a X (Twitter) data of those users who specified a particular location in their profile.

Possesses links

This function matches Tweets that contain a link (could be any link) in the "text" object.

Only retweets

This function delivers only explicit retweets data that match a rule.

Only Original tweets

This function delivers only the original X (Twitter) data that matches a rule.

Only replies

This function delivers only the original tweets data that match a rule.

Quoted tweets

This is a Boolean search operator that returns all Quoted Tweets data. You can get explicit Quote Tweets that match a rule or exclude Quote Tweets that match a rule.


This function is used to get tweets only from verified profiles.

Has Mentions

This function matches Tweets that mention another user.

Has Hashtags

This function matches Tweets that contain a hashtag.

Has media

This function matches Tweets that contain a media URL classified by X (Twitter).

Has images

This function matches Tweets that contain a media URL classified by X (Twitter).

Has videos

This function matches Tweets that contain native videos, uploaded directly to X (Twitter). This will not match on videos created with Vine, Periscope, or Tweets with links to other video hosting sites.