X (Twitter) Keyword Analysis Keyword Data Hashtag Analysis Hashtag Data Mention Analysis Mention Data Account Analysis Account Data

Fetch X (Twitter) historical data of any hashtag, keywords, or @mentions

Advanced AI-based Self-learning X (Twitter) Hashtag Analytical Tool

Analyze X (Twitter) Hashtags

Fetch X (Twitter) historical data of any hashtag, keywords, or @account mention and see the result on our online dashboard

Historical Hashtag Data

Fetch Historical X (Twitter) Data related to any hashtag or search terms from the year 2006 to the present time

Competition Hashtag Analytics

Analyze all the activities of your competitors’ to plan social media marketing strategy and track their main hashtags

Find Key Influencers

Find all the most influential X (Twitter) users who are responsible for promoting any X (Twitter) Hashtag campaign

Measure and Analyse

Measure the reach of your X (Twitter) Hashtag campaign with the help of our Al-driven analytical platform

Real-time Tracking
Real-time Hashtag Tracking
Measure and Analyze
Measure and Analyze
Find Key Influencers
Find Key Influencers
Twitter Historical Data
Historial Hashtag Data
Competition Analysis
Competition Hashtag Analytics

Expanding Globally With Over 71,041+ Sign-ups

X (Twitter) Users Who Adore TrackMyHashtag

How to Access Historical Twitter Data

hashtag campaign

To access historical X (Twitter) data on TrackMyHashtag, follow these steps

  • Go to www.trackmyhashtag.com
  • Click on "Get Historical Data".
  • Fill out the historical data request form with your desired search term, dates, and other requirements.
  • After submitting the form, you will receive a representation of data associated with other details. This data can be used to analyze historical X (Twitter) data and gain valuable insights into the performance of hashtags, keywords, or mentions.
Request Data

TrackMyHashtag Features To Automate And Declutter Your Timeline

hashtag campaign

Measure and Analyze Hashtag Campaigns

Our hashtag reach tracker measures the reach, impressions, and engagement level of your X (Twitter) Hashtag campaign to understand the impact of your hashtag and analyze its success with the help of various useful X (Twitter) analytics.

The report is loaded with lots of in-depth analytics which cut through the noise and provide you with lots of insights in easy-to-understand and presentable ways in the online dashboard and downloadable PDF. Measure Reach, impression, and exposure of any hashtag, keyword, or @mention

  • Measure the reach, impressions and engagement of any hashtag, keyword or @mention
  • Metrics such as Device source, top language, word cloud, contributors’ Twitter age
  • Most retweeted, liked tweets, top URL, Top image-video, top related hashtag
Key Influencers

Find Key Influencers of Any X (Twitter) Campaign

X (Twitter) influencers are those users which on the basis of their authority, following, position and knowledge, drive a X (Twitter) marketing campaign. A user can be considered as an influencer when he/she is generating thousands or millions of impressions and reach of any topic.

Our X (Twitter) hashtag tool has the capability to find out the top influencers who are involved in any marketing campaign. You can identify them, count their impact and make a decision for future X (Twitter) marketing strategies.

  • Find and rank the top influencers, users and contributors from raw Twitter data
  • Get detailed reports of influencers like impressions, reach they have generated, tweets they have used.
  • Sort influencers based on their engagement in X (Twitter) campaign, their impact, their followers and many such metrics
Historical hashtag data

Get X (Twitter) Historical Hashtag Data

Download Historical tweets ids for any time period containing your hashtag, keyword or @mention from Twitter.

Our X (Twitter) Historical Hashtag Data tool tracks historical data of any X (Twitter) topic. It helps you to see the complete picture of the performance of the campaign.

  • Export Historical X (Twitter) Dataset of past years related to any hashtag, keyword or user mention
  • Data can be collected in csv as well as JSON format.
Learn More
Competition Analysis

Competition Hashtag Analytics

Our Hashtag tracking tool enables you to keep an eye on the competition. You can track hashtags, keywords, and @mentions of your competition, and plan your social media marketing strategy accordingly.

  • Analyze all the activities of your competitors
  • Track their tweets, influencers, contributors, related hashtags
  • Make your marketing strategy based on the analyzed data of your competition
  • To know more see the sample report.

Get a historical X (Twitter) Data related to any hashtag instantly.

Request X (Twitter) Historical data

Price of Historical X (Twitter) dataset depends on the number of tweets.

Please fill the below form to mention your requirement

Please note, all the customers who want to download X (Twitter) data must agree to the X (Twitter) Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Developer Agreement, and Developer Policy.

TrackMyHashtag Exclusive Hashtag Analytics And Insights

Our report provides lots of useful Hashtag analytics which are derived from raw tweets data. These hashtag analytics help our users to conduct research, build a marketing strategy and predict future events.

  • Hashtag
    Related hashtags, media and URLs

    Get top related hashtags, media and URLs that can be seen on the analytics dashboard and predict which media, hashtag or URLs performing the best is very important to know.

  • Top Tweets
    Top tweets, language and client source

    Get the list of most popular tweets, most used language and the client source for each of the tweets related to your search term.

  • Tweet timeline
    Tweet timeline and other statistics

    Get a timeline of your hashtag campaign for all the tweets, contributors’ Twitter age, tweet timeline statistics and word cloud generated along with lots of other useful hashtag statistics.

Please note, all the analytics are derived from the information provided to us by our customers and calculated as the estimation results. We don’t claim the accuracy of the analytics.

All Tweets

Hashtag Analytics Features

Export To Excel
Export to Excel

Export the raw X (Twitter) data in Excel (CSV) sheet along with metadata.

Intuitive Analytical Dashboard
Intuitive analytical dashboard

Comprehensive analytical dashboard lets you see the overview of all the hashtag analytics.

Intuitive Analytical Dashboard
Downloadable analytical PDF report

Download the analytical dashboard in pdf form in just one click.

Date Range Selection
Date range selection

Select any date range and see the analytical hashtag report.

Language Analysis
Language Analysis

Various languages which are used by X (Twitter) users to post the tweets.

Get Predictive Analysis
Get predictive analytics

Predict the best time to tweet, a best hashtag to use etc. with the help of existing data.


Customized reports, white labeling, and customized X (Twitter) analytics tools to fulfill your special needs and requirements.

Tweet timeline and Pattern
Tweet statistics

Get a detailed report which contains of all the tweets and statistics including avg. tweets per day & percentage of tweets, retweets and replies.