X Hashtag Analytics

Get Hashtag analytics of any Twitter hashtag, keyword or @mention in Real-time

Track any topic in real-time to gather & analyze all the related X (formaly Twitter) data

TMH Real-time tracker fetches the live Twitter hashtag analytics of a topic, analyzes it and displays it on analytics dashboard. It can track any hashtag, keyword, @mention or any topic from Twitter. Our real-time hashtag tracker converts raw data into useful, accurate and insightful metrics and predictive twitter Hashtag analytics.

Our X (formaly Twitter) Hashtag Analytics Include

analytics dashboard

Hashtag analytics dashboard loaded with lots of useful insights

TMH hashtag analytics dashboard comes with lots of useful X (formaly Twitter) hashtag analytics which helps in defining any social media campaigning. The analytics are inferred from the raw data available on X (formaly Twitter). Some of the X (formaly Twitter) hashtag analytics include:

  • Measure the potential reach and impression of any hashtag or topic on Twitter
  • Find the percentage of tweets, retweets and replies to predict the nature of the Twitter campaign
  • All the Twitter hashtag analytics of the dashboard can be downloaded in the pdf report

Complete User details

You will get details of all the users contributed to posting tweets containing your X/Twitter hashtag campaign. On the basis of raw Twitter data, we can find and sort the top contributors of a X (formal Twitter) campaign.

  • The top users are identified as Most Active Contributors, Most Active Retweeters, Most Popular Contributors, Most Impactful Contributors.
  • Find the percentage of tweets, retweets and replies to predict the nature of the Twitter hashtag campaign
compelete user details
Identify and Track Influencers

Identify and track Influencers

Influencers are essential components in the success of a social media campaign and what is the best place to find them other than twitter. We identify all the influencers related to a hashtag campaign and rank them on the basis of their effectiveness. TMH X (formaly Twitter) Hashtag Analytics dashboard gives:

  • Complete list of top influencers is identified and then can be used to make your own strategy
  • Influencers data can be exported in CSV to do further investigation

Top related hashtags and word cloud

To predict which hashtag is performing the best is very important to know to write any social media campaign. Our Twitter Hashtag analytics provide :

  • A Word cloud of all the hashtags which are used the most along with a specific hashtag
  • Top related hashtags can be identified on the basis of the number of tweets and impressions containing these hashtags.

Most popular, retweeted, liked tweets

Out of all the tweets present on X / Twitter, we find the most popular ones and give you a detailed analytics report. Finding the top tweets related to a Twitter hashtag campaign helps in defining the likes and dislikes of the audience.

  • Find most popular, most retweeted and most liked tweets
  • Discover the type of hashtags, media and links which people are finding attractive
  • Compare between most retweeted and most liked tweets

Tweet timeline analytics

Tweet analytics including tweet timeline to give you live updates of every tweet being posted on twitter. With the help of its graphical presentation, you can easily search all the tweets posted in a time interval.

  • Measure the trend of any hashtag or topic with the help of Tweet timeline
  • Identify the most dense date and time of tweet for any hashtag or topic on Twitter

Top media and URLs

It is very important to know what kind of media and URLs are most trending related to a particular Twitter campaign. We analyze all the tweets to find out top-performing media and URLs.

  • By knowing which media is performing the best, you can use a similar media type to promote your campaign to make it more effective.
  • Top URLs help in knowing the interest of people and with this information you can make future marketing strategies.

Other useful metrics and X (formaly Twitter) hashtag analytics

Our Twitter hashtag analytics comes with various additional metrics which help to solidify your social media marketing strategy:

  • Device source: It shows the type of devices being used to tweet.
  • Top Language: Bar graphs are shown for each language of Tweets.
  • Contributors’ Twitter age: Graphical presentation of contributors' year of joining Twitter
other useful metrics