Tweet Counter

Our Hashtag Counter gives the exact number of tweets posted during a time period mentioning a Hashtag/Keyword/@user

What is TMH Tweet Counter/ Hashtag Counter

A Tweet counter / Hashtag counter is a X Analytics tool which counts tweets mentioning a particular hashtag, keyword, @account or search term which were posted during a specific period of time. It gives the numbers on daily & monthly basis and can track the counts from historical data as well as in real-time.

What's included in Twitter Hashtag Counter report?

Our Tweet counter report comprised of Raw data (in csv or excel) and analytical pdf which contains lots of useful Twitter metrics.

Raw Data in CSV (Excel)

As a Raw data, we provide number of tweets which are posted each day in a CSV (Excel) sheet, along with their dates.

The data contains the exact number of tweets which were posted on a particular day mentioning the given keyword.

Also, please make note that the Date mentioned in the Raw data file is in UTC/GMT time. Here UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time

Insightful Analytics

Our tool analyzes the raw Twitter data and provides lots of useful analytics which help in making accurate and quick decisions.

Hashtag Metrics such as Daily-Monthly Tweet Timeline, Most tweet days & months, Least tweet days & months, Day-week tweet pattern. Which are explaied in details here

These analytics are displayed on a beautiful analytical PDF.

Price of a Report

The price of a Tweet count report starts from $20 and varies as per the date range.

It is a one time cost which is liable for a single report

Request Hashtag's Tweet Count

Price of Hashtag's Tweet count depends on date range

Please fill the below form to mention your requirement

Please note, all the customers who want to download X (Twitter) data must agree to the X (Twitter) Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Developer Agreement, and Developer Policy.

Tweets count data and analytics explained

We fetch Raw data from Twitter and create lots of useful analytics on the basis of that data. Below are the analytics provided by our tool.

Comprehensive tweet analysis report

Tweet count report come with various useful analytics which can be very useful to analyze the value of a hashtag trend. Starting with the basic analytics, a tweet count analysis report consisting metrics such as,

  • Total tweet count of the hashtag in the given interval of time
  • Average tweets per hashtag per day
  • Average tweets per week
  • Average tweets per month
  • Most and least tweeted date
  • Most and least tweeted week
raw data available
analytics dashboard

Tweet timeline for customized time periods

Tweet timeline graph beautifully represents the number of tweets for a specific hashtag against the required dates.

  • The graph demonstrates the daily frequency of tweets.
  • It helps predict the pattern and trend related to a particular hashtag.
  • It has an easy to read intuitive interface.

Graphical representation of monthly tweet timeline

Tweet counter provides a bar chart representation for easy understandability of total number of tweets being posted every month related to a particular hashtag

  • Compare the tweet count for each month individually for any hashtag.
  • Instantly highlight the most and least tweeted months.
raw data available
analytics dashboard

Study week pattern of the tweets

This graph shows the total number of hashtag tweets posted on every day of the week in a given interval of time.

  • It helps to identify tweet posting patterns which are influenced by a particular day of the week.
  • The data also includes the days with most and least number of tweets separately.