In this post, we will discuss the benefits of real time hashtag tracking. But before we do that, let’s understand what a hashtag really is.
When a pound (#) sign is used before a word, the word becomes a hashtag. You can find hashtags on almost all social media platforms. Twitter was the original platform on which Chris Messina, a social media activist used the first hashtag ‘#Barcamp’.
The original idea was to group individuals based on their hashtag usage and today that idea has evolved into a marketing strategy for brands.
A lot going on around the world. Back in the days before the internet was born, news traveled slowly. We almost take it for granted but the sheer speed at which information travels today was unprecedented in human history.
Today, information travels in real time and hashtags have become an inseparable part of it. Let’s understand what is Real time hashtag tracking.
Real Time Hashtag Tracking
Real time hashtag tracking is something that is performed by analyzing real time engagement metrics of a currently trending hashtag. This analysis helps us in cashing on the popularity of the respective hashtag.
If users are already talking about it, isn’t it easy to get involved in the conversation? Let’s understand how real time hashtag tracking can be useful to your social media campaign.
Benefits of Real Time Hashtag Tracking
Real time Hashtag tracking has numerous benefits. These include:
1. Real Time Hashtag Engagement Metrics, instantaneously!
You can get all the required information such as @mentions, tweets, replies, etc. for any hashtag instantly. Real time hashtag tracking enables you to get data related to hashtags as it happens. This allows you to be agile in your social media strategy. Understanding the metrics in real-time also helps you in understanding the latest trends which are affecting your social media strategy positively or negatively.
2. Identify Influencers on the Go
You can get the list of Twitter accounts that are tweeting the respective hashtag along with the accounts which interacted with it. This makes it extremely easy to track and identify new influencers. Once you have identified the influencers, you can directly work with them in tandem. This opens the doors to a lot of opportunities and possibilities.
3. Get Related Hashtag Information
Real time Hashtag Tracking allows you to get other related Twitter hashtags that can be used concurrently or individually with your targeted hashtags. This enables you to choose the hashtag which is most relevant for your social media campaign. Choosing a correct hashtag is a very important factor and special emphasis should be given to properly understand the meaning of the hashtag. Maybe in some parts of your targeted market, the hashtag means something entirely different! Believe me, it has happened in the past! (Just Google #Cairo and #RIMjobs hashtag fails)
4. Get Geographical Insights in Real Time
Real-time hashtag tracking can provide you with the list of countries and geographical locations that are contributing most to your targeted hashtag. You can also get the location of Twitter accounts tweeting with the targeted hashtag. All of this data is available in real time and instantly!
5. Identify the Most Engaging Media
Real-time hashtag tracking allows you to get the list of all the media that is used alongside your required hashtag. It can help you in identifying and posting media that is currently trending. This ensures maximum engagement for your Twitter hashtag campaign.
6. Analyze Social Media Campaign of Various Brands
Real time hashtag tracking allows you to analyze the social media campaign of various brands and organizations. Twitter hashtag tracking can help you in identifying the aspects of a popular social media campaign so you can apply similar metrics. This provides you with tried Twitter marketing strategies that ensure the success for your social media campaign.
7. Get the List of Tweets Using the Hashtag
You can get the list of all the tweets from all around the world that are using a particular hashtag. This allows you to check what type of content people are using with your desired hashtag. It also provides clarity on the subjects for which the tweets are getting posted. This list also gives you the Twitter account names using the hashtag.
8. Day Week Pattern Trend Prediction
Real time hashtag tracking provides you with the tweeting pattern of the users who are tweeting with your respective hashtag. This allows you to analyze the tweet pattern and tweet tactically. This trend prediction ensures maximum impact and engagement from your social media campaign.
Tracking Hashtags in Real Time using TrackMyHashtag
TrackMyHashtag is an amazing event and hashtag tracking Twitter analytics tool which allows you to track any known hashtag in real time. Along with the hashtag data, you also get the analysis of the hashtag and various insights on the comprehensive dashboard. You can get details such as:
- Potential Reach
- Impressions
- Contributors
- Total tweets, retweets, and replies
- List of top users and tweets
- Client source for tweets
- Geographical information, and other such valuable insights.
Start your free 5-day TrackMyHashtag trial right away! No Credit Card required.
Real time hashtag tracking can be really beneficial in providing immediate engagement metrics. This allows your social media campaign to be agile and switch approaches instantly. These factors combined can tremendously boost your social media campaign and provide you with the necessary firepower to win the Twitter campaign battle.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand the real meaning of “hashtags”. What are the benefits of this tracking? Is it essential?