If you run a corporate Twitter account and followers have already liked your brand, they are ready to participate in some kind of competition and get the best sample of your products (or even services) as a reward.
Moreover, preparing, running, and analyzing the results of a Twitter contest will greatly enhance your practical marketing skills.
So, how to hold a successful giveaway on Elon Musk’s popular social media? We’ll tell you below.
Why Hold A Giveaway At All?
Giveaway is a cheap, affordable, and highly effective way to gain profile followers, which has its advantages. It:
- allows you to quickly attract the attention of both non-target and target audiences, which will potentially stay with you after the competition;
- extremely affordable;
- helps to eliminate leftovers;
- increases brand awareness;
- helps to stand out from competitors in the short term.
If you try to minimize the risks of getting banned and unsubscribed, you can safely conduct giveaways on Twitter and get the most out of using a popular promotion tool.
Top Tips For Holding A Giveaway On Twitter
Tip #1: Think about the goal
It’s critical to have a goal in mind before launching any giveaway; otherwise, you risk missing out on the opportunities you need and ending up with undesirable consequences.
The most viral Twitter giveaway ideas are usually based on the purpose of winning more followers or activities like comments, introducing people to your product or service, expanding your email subscriber base, or simply crafting more user-generated content.
Tip #2: Come up with a contest hashtag
Make sure your “competition” hashtag is unique, memorable, and easy to read. For example, it could be something like #WinWin7. Microsoft used this hashtag in a competition organized to celebrate the launch of Windows 7 when the company gave away one big prize every day for a week.
Use your hashtag in all competition tweets, as well as promote the competition via email, banners, SMS, etc. Be sure to use specialized software to analyze your Twitter hashtag strategy – how and where users forwarded this hashtag to friends, and what direction of activity had the greatest impact on the popularity of the competition.
Tip #3: Liven your giveaway up with vibrant content
Tweets with pics have 34% more chances to be retweeted than tweets without images. They will also get 18% more clicks, about 90% more likes, and 150% more retweets. Including a picture in a giveaway tweet is like a key component for boosting engagement and success. Even though now you can create extended tweets than you could in 2016, with photos or videos you can add many more details.
Engage your audience with a picture, GIF, or video. Let it be a picture of the prize: people are more actively entering the draw if they can see the reward they are about to win. Use the correct sized image: your Twitter image must be 1024 × 512 pixels. You can use popular image-making tools to create this.
Tip #4: Write clear guidelines and add a strong CTA
Always give your followers CLEAR guidelines if you want to hold a successful contest. Attempt to keep the instructions as straightforward as possible if participants must go through many stages. This is a kind of protection against misunderstandings and even legal action. Although it may seem laborious to write guidelines, doing so boosts engagement and lowers the likelihood that users will make mistakes that might lead to issues in the future.
Tip #5: Announce the winner of the draw
You must explain to participants how you will reveal a draw winner in your instructions or tweet. Utilizing the Twitter giveaway picker, you may select a random lucky beggar or you can go with the person who receives the most retweets or likes. If you are using a random number generator, be sure to fix the result. To achieve this, you will need the best tools for screen capture. So, you can avoid accusations of falsification.
Once a winner has been chosen, you should get in touch with them by email and social media. You must then tweet about it on your social media platforms to inform your followers that a winner has been selected and the giveaway has ended.
Don’t Forget About Follow-Up
After the distribution is over, you will stay with a set of new subscribers on your page. This means that you have to track Twitter follower growth, continue to attract them, and turn them into buyers or loyal customers; otherwise, they will unfollow and leave. This implies that you must maintain an active Twitter account and promote greater participation. Maintaining momentum after the giveaway can entail creating an excellent
content strategy for your Twitter page.
Bottom Line
Giving away on Twitter is a serious marketing campaign. You must plan and run the contest with the same care you would for any other promotional campaign. Start by defining clear marketing goals and evaluating overall ROI, then create a project timeline, from planning and launch to finalizing and reviewing the results. This is the only way you can succeed on
Twitter. Done right, a Twitter contest can help you establish your brand, significantly increase your brand’s followers and fans, and generate real “superfan” customers who will autonomously
promote your brand to their friends for months or even years.